Home - RSR Members' Area

ver.1.0 New Manuals and Regalia Sections
Welcome to this version of the Rover Sports Register (RSR) Members Section of the Club website. We have tried to provide you with some useful information and features. By using the tabs in the dashboard on the left side you can keep your information up to date and also keep an accurate record of the vehicles you have. There are other features as well but we will let you discover these for yourself. These pages rely on javascript and cookies to perform correctly so please if you are having any problems with this, please check that your browser has these options enabled. The pages have been designed to be viewed on a PC or tablet, it will still work on a smart phone but because of the screen restrictions may not display correctly.

On this home page you will get occasional messages such as 'member only' offers; for instance discounted tickets to shows. Also if any other member has put their hand up to you you will find out on this page.

The following local RSR member(s) would like to contact you, please reply by sending an email

 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is chairman@thersr.co.uk
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is bryantrover1@btinternet.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is registrar@thersr.co.uk
 Martin would like to contact you, the email address is mstaib@gmx.de
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is mhinman@hwca.com
 James would like to contact you, the email address is james.miller@millerlog.net
 John would like to contact you, the email address is litchbeaconpoint@aol.com
 Derek would like to contact you, the email address is dspoone1@btinternet.com
 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is davidv811poa@gmail.com
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is paul@lakesanddalesclassics.co.uk
 Tim would like to contact you, the email address is timdines3@gmail.com
 Stuart would like to contact you, the email address is gsalminen@talktalk.net
 Geoff would like to contact you, the email address is w.g.arthur@outlook.com
  would like to contact you, the email address is pwilliams@foxpointsystems.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is perrinsdave@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is stewart@gsdevlin.globalnet.co.uk
 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is mikej.woollard@icloud.com
 Neil would like to contact you, the email address is neilcastle58@gmail.com
 Sean would like to contact you, the email address is s.j.lynam@btinternet.com
 Robin would like to contact you, the email address is bairdr199@gmail.com
 Melvyn would like to contact you, the email address is KEVINSIMONCLARK@YAHOO.CO.UK
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is test@thersr.co.uk
 Geoff would like to contact you, the email address is g.osbrink424@btinternet.com
 Melvyn would like to contact you, the email address is davidgradley@hotmail.co.uk
 Roy would like to contact you, the email address is roy@g-wac.com
 Alan would like to contact you, the email address is partviking1@gmail.com
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is Tony_simons@mac.com
 Tim would like to contact you, the email address is heronfieldportree@gmail.com
 Stuart would like to contact you, the email address is stuart.michael.vigrass@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is john@burnettonline.net
 David would like to contact you, the email address is dmcc143@gmail.com
 Israel would like to contact you, the email address is lulis@actcom.net.il
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is paulandpaulinegillis@gmail.com
 Roger would like to contact you, the email address is paul.only@gmail.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is rob.bickerton@btopenworld.com
 Jonathan would like to contact you, the email address is paul@thersr.org
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is cwmrhuddan@hotmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is harrisonsbearley@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is cjinfrance@aol.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is rawson_brian@hotmail.com
 Rob would like to contact you, the email address is info@robhomewood.com
 Michel would like to contact you, the email address is bercoed@aol.com
 Simon would like to contact you, the email address is s.hyslop123@btinternet.com
 Colin would like to contact you, the email address is colin_arnold@talk21.com
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is arcarr9@gmail.com
 Frederick would like to contact you, the email address is takemp83@hotmail.com
 Max would like to contact you, the email address is pegler.max@gmail.com
 Simon would like to contact you, the email address is sjones@bradley.f9.co.uk
 David would like to contact you, the email address is lafbery@shaw.ca
 Wynn would like to contact you, the email address is wnhk@btinternet.com
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is andrew.davey142@hotmail.com
 James would like to contact you, the email address is james.teagle@peakpractice.org
 Nigel would like to contact you, the email address is nigelhicks@msn.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is willem_van_beele@hotmail.com
 Brian would like to contact you, the email address is brianmalcolm48@yahoo.co.uk
 Martin would like to contact you, the email address is martin.houghton@me.com
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is captwilko@btinternet.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is bob.forrest666@gmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is davidmessenger46@yahoo.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is john@geosurveys.com.au
 David would like to contact you, the email address is daveado16@gmail.com
 Karen would like to contact you, the email address is kalgreen23@gmail.com
 Donald would like to contact you, the email address is kinross99@gmail.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is richardlewis1@aol.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is david.parnell500@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is Hwestborg@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is mikejlscott@yahoo.co.uk
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is paulandjanetwilley@hotmail.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is torben.jespersen@mail.dk
  would like to contact you, the email address is helendarby@sky.com
 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is meteorss@outlook.com
 Roger would like to contact you, the email address is rogerdcolley@gmail.com
 Jan would like to contact you, the email address is jr.troost@planet.nl
 James would like to contact you, the email address is spencer1971wood@hotmail.co.uk
 Ron would like to contact you, the email address is ronsharkey@blueyonder.co.uk
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is ibaskeyfield@gmail.com
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is chrishurdle59@gmail.com
 Nicolas would like to contact you, the email address is president@rover-club.fr
 Manfred would like to contact you, the email address is mawijola@aol.com
 Terry would like to contact you, the email address is terry.walsh1@ntlworld.com
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is mark.whiteside1@btinternet.com
 Charles would like to contact you, the email address is derby.bentley@btinternet.com
 Graham would like to contact you, the email address is g.hudson@ntlworld.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is family.froud@yahoo.com
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is ianwfrost@aim.com
 Georg would like to contact you, the email address is georg.franken@t-online.de
 Steven would like to contact you, the email address is grogansteve1@gmail.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is r.burlend@btinternet.com
 Phil would like to contact you, the email address is philip.traynor@btinternet.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is peterknapp@rocketmail.com
 Steve would like to contact you, the email address is stevejg33@tiscali.co.uk
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is christopher_john_kelly@hotmail.com
 Geoff would like to contact you, the email address is geoff.allen13@btopenworld.com
 Rob would like to contact you, the email address is rob@ponting1.plus.com
 Geoffrey would like to contact you, the email address is susanefoley@btinternet.com
 Pete would like to contact you, the email address is libortesco@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is johnmag23@hotmail.com
 Gil would like to contact you, the email address is trevor.canner@sky.com
 Graham would like to contact you, the email address is graham.deakin274@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is rover.90@blueyonder.co.uk
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is jontyrostron@yahoo.co.uk
 Neil would like to contact you, the email address is rsr@molliewebb.net
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is a.paterson763@btinternet.com
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is ac.bowl@icloud.com
 Chuck would like to contact you, the email address is chuck@hkb.co.uk
 Steven would like to contact you, the email address is stevenkeyte@gmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is sdg1926@gmail.com
 Frank would like to contact you, the email address is martin001745@gmail.com
 Brian would like to contact you, the email address is brianjenkinson1965@gmail.com
 Martin would like to contact you, the email address is martinfreiberg@posteo.de
 Frank would like to contact you, the email address is afwbutler@gmail.com
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is hadders49@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is treeathendre@aol.com
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is hastings@live.co.uk
 Anthony would like to contact you, the email address is hollowayanthony18@yahoo.co.uk
 Keith would like to contact you, the email address is kentishman48@gmail.com
 Rodney would like to contact you, the email address is rscarman@pobroadband.co.uk
 Adam would like to contact you, the email address is Acromie86@gmail.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is cqes@mail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is simon.reed6@btopenworld.com
 Fred would like to contact you, the email address is info@limousinesireland.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is lj.bee@btinternet.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is davidrjordan@aol.com
 Nigel would like to contact you, the email address is nigelhepworth@me.com
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is tommurraywillis@gmail.com
 Egil would like to contact you, the email address is egil@kvaleberg.no
 Anthony would like to contact you, the email address is anthonygdennis@hotmail.co.uk
 James would like to contact you, the email address is jamespedley@protonmail.com
 Gerald (Gerry) would like to contact you, the email address is gerrykjc@btinternet.com
 Ian (Alex) would like to contact you, the email address is alex.heaton@gmail.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is richard@leconfieldhouse.com.au
 Per would like to contact you, the email address is per.hahn@telia.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is turner.rob2@gmail.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is t.rebor@btinternet.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is lionelcross@hotmail.com
 Julian would like to contact you, the email address is julesridge@yahoo.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is michaelfallon634@btinternet.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is rwabraham@hotmail.co.uk
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is richard@safebiz.co.nz
 Loukas would like to contact you, the email address is darrenramsay65@gmail.com
 Ewart would like to contact you, the email address is ewartscott@btinternet.com
 Martin would like to contact you, the email address is martinzondler@me.com
 Doug would like to contact you, the email address is garyreid@mac.com
 Eric would like to contact you, the email address is eric@classicautoelectrics.co.uk
 Adrian would like to contact you, the email address is adrianfox1@outlook.com
 Alan would like to contact you, the email address is dandg.twiss@btinternet.com
 Bob would like to contact you, the email address is poin@sky.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is peterjamespjaltd@btinternet.com
 Derek would like to contact you, the email address is jdswift2121@gmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is jfoort@gmail.com
 James would like to contact you, the email address is eicher8@gmail.com
 Andreas would like to contact you, the email address is a.adam@andreadam.com
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is youlton019@gmail.com
 Denis would like to contact you, the email address is denis@doubledeckerbus.co.uk
 Simon would like to contact you, the email address is simonhayward804@btinternet.com
 Stuart would like to contact you, the email address is stuart.cleary@cranden.com
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is newland.woodbine@btinternet.com
 Adrian would like to contact you, the email address is pac1946@hotmail.com
 Paul Dennis would like to contact you, the email address is robert.w.whitehead@btinternet.com
 Barry would like to contact you, the email address is barry@oreganouk.plus.com
 Nik would like to contact you, the email address is nstonelake@hotmail.com
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is chris.hallard@btinternet.com
 Adrian would like to contact you, the email address is adrianjgoodyear@gmail.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is peter.h.godfrey@gmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is stephen.lockett@talk21.com
 Bob would like to contact you, the email address is sandraandbob@btinternet.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is robcooper@email.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is richard@richdawn.plus.com
 Bernhard would like to contact you, the email address is ruest@ruestmotoring.com
 Martin would like to contact you, the email address is maj.barnes.barnson@gmail.com
 George would like to contact you, the email address is jg4set@hotmail.com
 Johan would like to contact you, the email address is rover16p2@hotmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is michaelpjohn1@talktalk.net
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is davidwalton509@btinternet.com
 Colin would like to contact you, the email address is colintingey@yahoo.co.uk
 Doug would like to contact you, the email address is enquiries@dougashleymarine.co.uk
 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is p2roverman@uwclub.net
 Jem would like to contact you, the email address is jeremy.a.smith@aol.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is betterbydesign99@gmail.com
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is mark.galbraith@talk21.com
 Philip would like to contact you, the email address is piredmond@hotmail.com
 George would like to contact you, the email address is warnockgc@gmail.com
 Derek would like to contact you, the email address is greenfid@blueyonder.co.uk
 Carey would like to contact you, the email address is carew.wilks@btinternet.com
 Lawrence John would like to contact you, the email address is lawrence.green@talktalk.net
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is paul.zickel@gmail.com
 Shaun would like to contact you, the email address is mssuzieq66@gmail.com
 Rosalind would like to contact you, the email address is rf.jc.moorey@gmail.com
 Philip (Kim) would like to contact you, the email address is janinekim2@gmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is sj.crossley@hotmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is wilson404@btinternet.com
 Ron would like to contact you, the email address is r.omeara@hotmail.co.uk
 Jeremy would like to contact you, the email address is jumpsmill@btinternet.com
 Mike would like to contact you, the email address is m.evamy@outlook.com
 Joel would like to contact you, the email address is joel@joelburgess-guitar.co.uk
 Hendri would like to contact you, the email address is hendriotto73@gmail.com
 Victor would like to contact you, the email address is dalmasvic@gmail.com
 Malcolm would like to contact you, the email address is gerry.colyer@talk21.com
 Bill would like to contact you, the email address is billterriallen@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is jedivall@gmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is generalgloom@yahoo.co.uk
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is michael.mayrharting@aon.at
 John would like to contact you, the email address is thejcopes@yahoo.co.uk
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is mike797@btinternet.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is dai_hall@hotmail.com
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is philgoodliffe@hotmail.co.uk
 Ray would like to contact you, the email address is picketts@ntlworld.com
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is paul.f.wood@ntlworld.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is ritaandsteve@talktalk.net
 Andrew would like to contact you, the email address is andrewchallen@me.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is mikekenrichards@hotmail.co.uk
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is m.smith412@btopenworld.com
 Keith would like to contact you, the email address is classicroverscars@gmail.com
 Darren would like to contact you, the email address is darrenvassie@googlemail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is s.cambery@ntlworld.com
 Scott would like to contact you, the email address is scottie2002tiger@yahoo.co.uk
 Roger would like to contact you, the email address is roger.costar@tiscali.co.uk
 Dendy would like to contact you, the email address is dendy@dendyeaston.com
 Paul would like to contact you, the email address is bisc58@hotmail.co.uk
  would like to contact you, the email address is alan.grimley1@btinternet.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is peterbmoss@gmail.com
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is naiyarg@aol.com
 Tommy would like to contact you, the email address is barnwell@iinet.net.au
 Thomas would like to contact you, the email address is tandas@outlook.com
 Colin would like to contact you, the email address is COLINPREECE9@aol.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is alwynla@live.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is jonkingston@hotmail.co.uk
 Geoffrey would like to contact you, the email address is gc.simmons46@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is deliamike24@gmail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is johnpowis@tiscali.co.uk
 David would like to contact you, the email address is dave.blatchford@yahoo.co.uk
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is cstearn@btinternet.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is peterbushell@btinternet.com
 Edmund would like to contact you, the email address is edmund-chapman-2@uwclub.net
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is menimianpotts@hotmail.com
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is yarrawest@bigpond.com
 Tommy would like to contact you, the email address is hans.graakjaer@post.tele.dk
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is bob.swain.bob@gmail.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is ttsoml@aol.com
 Alan would like to contact you, the email address is apkingston2@gmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is scunningham.1955@gmail.com
  would like to contact you, the email address is backsofbeyond@hotmail.co.uk
 Stuart would like to contact you, the email address is swr248@aol.com
 Gil would like to contact you, the email address is rattyrover@hotmail.com
  would like to contact you, the email address is jameshime369@btinternet.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is mudkip3361@gmail.com
 Jonathan would like to contact you, the email address is jonathan.masters869@outlook.com
 Robert would like to contact you, the email address is montgomery39@btinternet.com
 Rob would like to contact you, the email address is rob@rjpowell.co.uk
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is wiseman.michael@gmail.com
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is c.bonsell08@btinternet.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is rsl.stevens@ntlworld.com
 Thomas would like to contact you, the email address is rover.p2.tourer@gmail.com
 Jeff would like to contact you, the email address is bode5997@googlemail.com
 John would like to contact you, the email address is johnbray28@gmail.com
 Kevin would like to contact you, the email address is mediabus1@aol.com
 Loukas would like to contact you, the email address is lukecyprus@gmail.com
 Paul Dennis would like to contact you, the email address is cooperhaulageshipstonltd@gmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is den@allk9.com.au
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is rsr-contact@michael-lehnert.net
 Duncan would like to contact you, the email address is duncancullen07@googlemail.com
 Bill would like to contact you, the email address is billchisholm1953@yahoo.com.au
 Alan would like to contact you, the email address is barbarablenkinsop@talktalk.net
 Wouter would like to contact you, the email address is wouter.buis@hetnet.nl
 Andy would like to contact you, the email address is andy_adams46@hotmail.co.uk
 Rosalind would like to contact you, the email address is rosalindberrington@hotmail.co.uk
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is chris17bmw@btinternet.com
 Jason would like to contact you, the email address is mallen.inc@gmail.com
 Stephen would like to contact you, the email address is Billybamf@btopenworld.com
 Steven would like to contact you, the email address is stevenwstokes@blueyonder.co.uk
 Edward would like to contact you, the email address is esailer@procomplianceware.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is lakewoodtraining@yahoo.co.uk
 William would like to contact you, the email address is williamcullen04@gmail.com
 Erik would like to contact you, the email address is e.plueschau@hamburg.de
 John would like to contact you, the email address is john.mcdermott1303@gmail.com
 Ryan would like to contact you, the email address is botanygeek.kim@gmail.com
 Terry would like to contact you, the email address is terry-parry32016@outlook.com
 Graham would like to contact you, the email address is g.trusselle.58@hotmail.co.uk
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is ceejay1968@hotmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is davidbillington247@gmail.com
 Billy would like to contact you, the email address is billygraham333@msn.com
 Bill would like to contact you, the email address is bill.mccreath@tiscali.co.uk
 Tony would like to contact you, the email address is elsieh@elsieh.karoo.co.uk
 John would like to contact you, the email address is johnburnswork@gmail.com
 Ron would like to contact you, the email address is aandahayes@btinternet.com
 Ron would like to contact you, the email address is annejacques@gmail.com
 Rod would like to contact you, the email address is rod.mainwaring@btinternet.com
 Jake would like to contact you, the email address is jake.dormer@googlemail.com
 Anthony would like to contact you, the email address is tonybryoung@yahoo.co.uk
 Brian would like to contact you, the email address is brianbromwich@talktalk.net
 Mark would like to contact you, the email address is markcustompa@outlook.com
 Melvyn would like to contact you, the email address is mel-newton@talk21.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is rsr@fivewrights.uk
 Kevin would like to contact you, the email address is kevin.vintagecars@gmail.com
 James would like to contact you, the email address is jghead@shaw.ca
 Ian would like to contact you, the email address is chrissiian32@gmail.com
 Andrew (John) would like to contact you, the email address is ajmealey@yahoo.co.uk
 Philip would like to contact you, the email address is philrileyp4@eml.cc
 Gordon would like to contact you, the email address is edward@fpr.uk.com
 Brian would like to contact you, the email address is hammyham2759@gmail.com
 Philip would like to contact you, the email address is philiprjones@ntlworld.com
 Philip would like to contact you, the email address is p.savagec@gmail.com
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is pnc@pncspencer.co.uk
 Roger would like to contact you, the email address is rodger_widmer@hotmail.com
 David would like to contact you, the email address is drdavidgreenwell@gmail.com
 Michael would like to contact you, the email address is mikesmotorcycles@hotmail.com
 Christopher would like to contact you, the email address is cfdm1948@yahoo.co.uk
 Malcolm would like to contact you, the email address is mallow98@hotmail.co.uk
 Michel would like to contact you, the email address is MICHEL.BONHOMME1@GMAIL.COM
 Gabriel would like to contact you, the email address is gabrielbennett@btinternet.com
 Richard would like to contact you, the email address is rbremner@dircon.co.uk
 Nicholas would like to contact you, the email address is rovermorris999@yahoo.co.uk
 Peter would like to contact you, the email address is pstevens749@gmail.com
 Chris would like to contact you, the email address is jones.chris1881@gmail.com
 Gareth would like to contact you, the email address is garethjpugh@gmail.com


Lions Charity Pre-War Car Event, Middlewich, Staffs., Contact is Mac Watt, Online Austin Seven Club  www.oa7c.com email: macwatt@gmx.co.uk Tel: 07939 133499  on 06 April 2025 10:00
in 10 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 08:00 hours.

RSR Northern Section 2025 Rally, Bury, Lancashire, We have accomodation at the Best Western Bolholt Country Park Hotel. Outing on the East Lancashire Railway on the Saturday afternoon, dinner in the evening at the hotel and show at Bury Transport Museum on Sunday 13th April.   An entry form is in 'Freewheel' but you can also book online. Alternatively, you can call Mark Hinman on 01253 869373 or e-mail markhinman498@gmail.com and he’ll send you a form.     on 12 April 2025
in 16 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: All-day event

Enfield Pageant Of Motoring, St George's Playing Fields, Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, EN1 3PL,   Any RSR related queries please contact Adrian Mitchell on, e-mail: adrmitche1@gmail.com on mobile 07759 576662. Be aware the venue is inside the ULEZ zone. Classic vehicles over 40 years old are of course exempt from charges.       on 24 May 2025 10:00
in 58 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 1 day and 08:00 hours.

Scottish All Rover Rally 2025, The Scottish All Rover Rally at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum (believed to be the biggest bus museum in the world). Postcode is KY12 0SJ. Contact Ian Headrick on 01383 880738.  on 25 May 2025 10:00
in 59 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 07:00 hours.

Classic Stony, Market Square, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1BE,

Classic Stony, an informal gathering of vintage, classic and interesting vehicles in the Market Square, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1BE, from 9.30am to 2.30pm.  

Also happens on New Year’s Day. For more information visit http://vintagestony.co.uk or http://classicstony.co.uk 

on 01 June 2025 09:30
in 66 days and 22:48 hours.
Duration: 05:00 hours.
More information :

Yorkshire RSR Branch Classic Car Show, Oakwell Hall WF17 9LG, Open to all Rovers, other makes up to 1983. £5 entry, there are limited spaces. Dave Perrins 07772 209977 or email perrinsdave@gmail.com    on 08 June 2025 10:00
in 73 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 07:00 hours.

The South East Rover Rally 2025,   The South East Rover Rally this year is at The Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park Station, TN22 3QL. Starts at 10a. Contact Ray Pickett tel 01903 208604 email picketts@ntlworld.com Entry to the Rally is £5.00 per car. Entry to the railway is at your discretion on the day.   on 08 June 2025 10:00
in 73 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 07:00 hours.

LRSOC National Rally, South Molton, Devon.,   Land Rover Series One Club National Rally, . Website: https://www.lrsoc.com email: landrover25rally@gmail.com  on 27 June 2025 10:00
in 92 days and 23:18 hours.
Duration: 2 days and 08:00 hours.

Marauder weekend - Gaydon/Dorridge, Saturday 19th – Sunday 20th July 2025:  Before the major Marauder Swiss caper in August there’s going to be a bit of an event at Dorridge.   Saturday morning will hopefully see a lineup at The British Motor Museum. Looks to be possibly seven Marauders (including HFY, resident of the museum) and the Special.  Lunch at the Forest Hotel Dorridge where the Marauder was designed and launched.    Sunday morning a trip round to the factory in Kenilworth.    Overnight Friday/Saturday at the Premier Inn in Hockley Heath.    All Rovers welcome!     Contact is Ian Glass 07803 407881 email maraudercars@gmail.com      on 19 July 2025
in 114 days and 13:18 hours.
Duration: All-day event

Roverfest 2025, Roverfest 2025. Church Farm, Weston Underwood, Buckinghamshire MK46 5JS. THE Rover event of 2025.  on 02 August 2025 14:00
in 129 days and 03:18 hours.
Duration: 1 day and 03:00 hours.
More information :

Marauder Raid to Switzerland - August 12th to 19th 2025, In August 1950 George Mackie and Peter Wilks took the prototype Marauder, KAC 313, to Switzerland to carry out acceleration, braking and handling tests on the mountain passes around Interlaken. Having completed the tests they drove it to Brussels in a day, no mean feat when you consider there were no motorways! In 2000, to commemorate fifty years since that achievement, three Marauders, including KAC, and some accompanying Rovers repeated the trip, although they did take two days to drive to Brussels. In 2010 and 2015 the Swiss passes were done again and it is intended to repeat the trip next year to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary. All Rovers, or Rover enthusiasts welcome! Contact Ian Glass maraudercars@gmail.com tel: 07803 407881 on 12 August 2025
in 138 days and 13:18 hours.
Duration: 7 days and 00:00 hours.
More information :

Personal Information

Initials Single initials not including surname
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
E Mail The main email that the RSR will use to contact you
E Mail 2 A second email that you can use as a logon email
Phone Number
Phone Number 2
Privacy If privacy is set to yes then your details will not be published in any RSR publication

Your RSR Information

Membership Number
Membership typeNo longer a member Membership type is selected when joining.
If you think you have the wrong type then please send the RSR a message
using the Contact option
Direct DebitA Direct Debit payment option is availble, please enquire
Member until 31/12/2020
Renew option will be active 60 days before your renewal is due.

Your RSR Vehicle Information

Freewheel Library

Members' Library

Manual /Parts List1 Cost Each Number Required
P2 Workshop Manual£ 51.85
P2 Workshop Manual + 34-38 Parts list£ 63.30
P2 Workshop Manual + 39-47 parts list£ 64.30
Px2 Parts List 1939-1947 Models£ 23.85
P2 Parts List 1934-1938 Models£ 20.10
P3 manual being reprinted£ 0.00
P3 parts list being reprinted£ 0.00
P3 wsm and parts list being reprinted£ 0.00
Regalia (prices include UK postage, any other area please enquire from regalia officer)
Item Description Cost Each Number Required
Classic RSR Badge Classic RSR Badge
£ 20
RSR Platinum Anniversary Badge RSR Platinum Anniversary Badge
£ 25.00
Platinum Commemorative Plate Platinum Commemorative Plate
Size: 29cms wide and 15cms tall. including zip ties
£ 10.00
New RSR Badge New RSR Badge
Grill Fixing
£ 20
Classic RSR Lapel Badge Classic RSR Lapel Badge
£ 8
New RSR Lapel Badge New RSR Lapel Badge
£ 5
Rover Tie Tack
Small Lapel Badge Rover Tie Tack Small Lapel Badge
£ 3
RSR Beanie Hat RSR Beanie Hat
£ 9
RSR Bone China Mug RSR Bone China Mug
£ 10
with soft tip for touch screen use
£ 3
Tax * Parking * Membership
Disc Holder Tax * Parking * Membership Disc Holder
£ 2
RSR Baseball Cap RSR Baseball Cap
£ 11
RSR Key Fob RSR Key Fob
£ 6
Clothing: Shirts and Fleeces Clothing: Shirts and Fleeces
Available to order. Price to be confirmed on enquiry to Regalia officer

Please note: Distances are done by straight line calculation and are not an accurate travelling measure

--RSR Regional Representative

Your nearest regional representative is Tim Dines their contact details are 07799 412957 and timdines3@gmail.com
Tim is the regional representative for the Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire & SW London area.
This may not be your local area, this is because the RSR does not have a representative for your area.


There are local meetings near you, the following are within a 45 mile radius.

The meeting is at The Highway Man,Exlade Street,Nr Checkendon,Reading,RG8 0UA which is about 31 miles from you.
on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm
Click here for a map of the Location
If you are thinking of going please contact James Taylor to check the details.
The contact details are 01491 201580 and roverjames@btinternet.com

The meeting is at Seven Stars, 56, Winchester Road,Stroud,Petersfield,GU32 3PG which is about 41 miles from you.
on the first Monday of the month at 8.00pm
Click here for a map of the Location
If you are thinking of going please contact Eric Rice (Shelia Clements) to check the details.
The contact details are 023 922 30255,(01243 376737) and eric_rice@btinternet.com

Other RSR Members

RSR Purchases

You have no RSR Purchases

Send a message to the RSR committee

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